12 Weeks Today

So far so good! I really owe you guys a real update but am almost NEVER on my computer now that school is over and now that I started my new job (and get my ass handed to me on a daily basis. Seriously. It’s rough. I like the paycheck but… REALLY miss my old job) plus I’m working 3-12s and 4-12s alternating weeks so… It’s a lot.

Anyway. I’m 12 weeks today and everything seems to be going well. I still have completely not overcome all of my infertility emotions. Like. Convinced things won’t work out. Plus I think I have a little PTSD from all the miscarriages I took care of at my old job (probably 3 or more a shift?). Life is just so fragile.

In short. I’ve told my parents and my two friends who had been following our saga closely. Hubbin? Has a big mouth. I’m pretty sure everyone who’s encountered him knows. Which was okay until we were at a party with his side of the family a week or so ago and EVERYONE was loudly asking me all kinds of questions. We had a fight. Then he yelled at his mom for telling all of them. I try to be understanding of the people who just don’t know how fragile life can be but… It’s hard. I’ve totally fished dead babies exactly this gestation out of the toilet in the ER. It’s hard to forget that stuff. Even if they weren’t my miscarriages

Anyway. More pleasant subjects:

We had our first trimester screening (nuchal translucency) ultrasound this week. Hubbin couldn’t get off work so I took my mom. The baby was suuuuuuper cute. Bouncy. Hands. Feet. The whole nine yards. It made me a lot more excited. And I handled talking about the baby in real terms in public when we went out to dinner with some of Hubbins friends tonight.

Here it is: Three days ago. …and that’s a little hand in front of the face all dramatic like.



7/21 = 214
7/23 = 440

Perfect! I couldn’t have asked for better numbers! Our ultrasound is booked for the 8th. They wanted the 2nd but I’m working every available day til the 8th. I was pretty bummed. And doubly bummed since I was to have ultrasounds at 6&8 weeks before they release me but she said “well at 7 weeks if it looks good we can release you then” I was looking forward to two peaks in there :-/


So I interrupt my regularly scheduled dull drum to let you know about a VERY exciting development. Following a 12 hour shift on 10 days past IUI #5 I lost my resolve to wait until my first morning pee the next day and tested.

The pink color scrolled right by the test line and filled up the control line and I was grouchy. Then I started brushing my teeth to get ready for bed and looked over… And lo… Something I’d never ever seen before was looking at me… A second line. I’m attaching the first original picture. My honest response (since I was home alone at the time) was to keep walking over and looking at it and saying aloud to myself “that’s not a joke?” “that’s not a joke”

I’ve of course gone through handfuls of my cheapie tests since then usually more than one a day. You know. Just to check.

I called the clinic 13dpiui just to be like “umm, I know I’m calling a day early but I’ve been getting positives at home for a few days now” so they brought me in the next morning for bloodwork.

I asked the lady drawing my blood yesterday “so when they call me with the number is that when they schedule me for Monday?” and she said “Why? Did you take a home test” I said “umm, more than I care to admit” she laughed and said “yeah that’s when they schedule you, don’t worry I won’t ask how many you took”. I said “good cause I honestly couldn’t tell you”

My first beta came back at 214!!! I feel like that’s a solid start. I keep having occassional cramping or sharp pains and expecting my period to start but no spotting so far… I go in Monday morning for a repeat and if it’s up by >60% I go in for an ultrasound at 6 & 8 weeks before they release me to my OB doctor.

So. We’re SUPER excited. I get a little nervous every time I get a cramp and I’m somewhat holding my breath til they call me with a number Monday afternoon.20120722-162620.jpg

No Closer

You’ve missed a lot and I’m not going to bother going through all the details, I might in a future post. The summary is IUI #4 should be in the next couple of days. I, once again, did not get a positive OPK at home so they have to bring me in for bloodwork and ultrasound to see about timing ($$$). So my hopes for a birthday IUI have been dashed… Although, my birthday didn’t serve as a particularly lucky totem as a testing day LAST summer when my period arrived on my birthday as scheduled.

My guess is it will be Tuesday. My lower belly is feeling tender and bloated like it has been the last few clomid cycles prior to ovulation. I hope I ovulate all the eggs produced, I’m a bit worried with the lack of positive OPK that I might not be releasing them all.

After this month I think we’ll be taking a break for a while… I don’t know for how long. Maybe wait til next summer? Maybe save for IVF? I get all anxious just thinking about IVF though. Number 1 because it’s SO expensive (and I’m a cheap bastard) and Number 2 I have NO, no, no, NO idea how I can work in all those appointments and procedures with my work schedule. After this IUI I have to schedule an appointment with the doctor for July to discuss everything and make a new plan, when I told Hubbin he of course was like “why?” (men!) … He still thinks all these failed cycles are somehow related to my stress/anxiety whatnot. He always tries to explain that he doesn’t think it’s ‘my fault’, but every time he throws a theory out there of why it’s not working its directly related to me. Which is frustrating. I guess if the only thing that’s ever been checked on you is 1 test and it was fine you probably would be inclined to think it’s the other person. He seems to forget they’ve worked me up and found nothing either.

I probably *should* be on an anti-depressant at this point, I’m sure I probably should have been for a while, but I’ve been putting it off because they don’t like you to take them while pregnant and I kind of thought that would happen by now… If we take an extended break I may go see my doctor to talk about it. This infertility thing has been very depressing.

–I also put off starting to dye my grey hair for like 2 years after I thought I wanted to start cause I kept thinking “what’s the point of starting if we have a baby and I need to quit”, I finally gave in after our first failed IUI. I guess this will be like that. I’ve been having a lot of reflective sort of moments after the last few weeks, I don’t know why they keep popping into my head. Like remember when you did this and thought you might get pregnant. Remember when you thought you might be pregnant by XYZ holiday or occasion. Remember when you bought your first box of ovulation tests and thought “HA! This is it! This is what I’ve been missing!” (along with the same thought every time you tried something new or bought another fertility related item.

I try really hard to NOT think like that now that I know those thoughts haunt you for forever. But sometimes you can’t help it. Sometimes the thoughts like “I hope I’m pregnant by Christmas” just pop into your head. Or I hope I have a baby by the time I turn. ___. It’s awfully hard to not have those thoughts.

I remember back in the day before we started all this, I wanted to have at least 1 child by the time I was 30 so I would have time to have the option of having a second child before I turned 35…. Now I turn 31 tomorrow and am no closer to having a first child.


I just finished a meeting with my future boss. I was a little nervous cause according to the boss lady I spoke with thursday I had to discuss with him that I might not be licensed by the state by the start date.

I’m not going to go into details about the meeting because we all know writing about work is a bad idea… it was awesome though. I am seriously so excited I can hardly stand myself right now. The bottom line with the license stuff from the state is he’s not worried about it and wants me anyway and said “we’ll make it work”. I AM SO EXCITED. I wouldn’t even say this is my first choice of job, this is like better than I even hoped for. I had been a little nervous about meeting with him because I emailed back and forth with him a few times over the weekend and he told me he had interviewed 13 people already and hadn’t found anyone that fit his expectations so wanted to meet and go over things to be sure I wanted to sign on. I was like “geez what are these expectations” but the meeting wasn’t really like that and I clearly still had the job offer throughout and he’s not really one who readily broadcasts emotions but it seemed like he was really hoping I would accept the position. I did. It will be perfect. I would have taken a job at an urgent care place but I’m just SO much more excited about working in an ER. I thought to get in with this company I’d need to be willing to travel super far, or float to lots of places, or work at an urgent care – but I’ve been offered a spot at an ER that’s the closest to my house, no floating, and no nights. There’s 1 NP there daily and there’s another 1.5 people that are being hired and me and the other 1 person will be in charge of making our own schedules so one of us is there each day. I actually know the other person who has been offered a position and like her very much, he said she hadn’t accepted yet but hoped she would and I know half of the doctors who will be working there and like them all very much, so essentially – I think it’s going to be AWESOME. I am SO EXCITED.

The only bad part is it’s all fairly hush hush right now so I’ve told Hubbin, and my parents, and my MIL and that’s IT. I was DESPERATE to talk about it at work because there’s lots of gossip about who will be taking the positions and people are also very curious what I’ll be doing after I graduate and I’ve had to keep playing dumb when I actually want to be giddy with joy and jumping around screaming. My intention is to wait until it’s obvious my future boss has told someone that I’ve been hired, I don’t really want to be the one to break the news to anyone cause I don’t want to get in trouble or off to a bad start PR wise. It is SO HARD to keep my mouth shut because I’m (again) SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

zOMFingG eeeeeee!!!!

I tried to sleep in a bit this morning since I had two days off this week and the first one I got up early to go to spinning with one of my friends/coworkers. I woke up earlier than I would have liked (but after my alarm went off, cause that’s how I roll on my days off) because the old people taxi driver was knocking on the front door for my MIL. *sigh* So while I’m laying in bed someone calls me from a number not in my contact list so I didn’t answer. Yes, I screen calls routinely. They left a message and it was from the person I mailed my resume and cover letter to on Jan 2nd at my first choice company to work as a nurse practitioner in an ER which is also my first choice of job. In her message she said that she wanted to talk to me about an opportunity. EEEEEEEEEEE! (and that’s really what I said too, while I listened to the message in bed, in my pjs with my night time chew toy still in) I was glad I hadn’t answered it because I would have sounded like a moron with my mouth piece in and still fuzzy and somewhat asleep.

So I got up and called Hubbin. And my mom. And was still flipping out excited, and I hadn’t even talked to her yet. I know you’re supposed to be like all tough and negotiating and whatnot when you job interview, but what if it’s at your first choice company in your first choice location that’s half the distance to your house from your current job, and you know who your boss will be, and the starting salary is posted online. I mean, there’s not much really to negotiate?

Anyway, that’s how this went down, when I finally talked to her on the phone she said she spoke with the director at the hospital I’ve been offered about bringing me in for an interview, and he was formally the director at the hospital I’m at now and she said he said (I know, I’m sorry, all convoluted but necessarily vague) “Interview? I don’t need to interview her, I know her, and she’s excellent, and I want to offer her a position immediately” — I about died with excitement and butterflies when she told me this. I mean seriously, she had me at “hello” (lol) but then to go on about how my future boss already thinks I’m fabulous — alright, no negotiating, I’m a sucker, sign me up.

There is a catch though. I’m signed up for a review course in the middle of June and was planning on taking my boards at the end of June, but this position would start July 1 so I’d need to be ready to roll. certified nationally and licensed by the state and who knows how long all that paperwork takes to go through. Which is going to require me redoing my whole boards review plan I had somewhat vaguely worked out. The lady I talked to today advised me to take boards immediately after graduating in May. So essentially I’ve gone from, not really planning on applying until after I had taken and passed boards at the end of June. To applying in January. Getting a job offer in February and now trying to redo my whole entire leisurely summer plan to make this all go down & taking boards at the beginning of May. sheesh. This is intense. The problem with working steady weekends is I’m not able to take a different weekend off for a review course other than what I signed up for in November (That’s when nurses pick their vacations for the following year incase you didn’t know, planning planning planning). I did get as far as calling the review company after I spoke with the lady and they’ll switch me to an online review course for a $25 fee, so that’s not all that bad actually. My head is just totally spinning with all the changes and possibilities right now.

How am I supposed to concentrate on writing a paper now?!?!?!?


I joined a little weight loss team through work in January. It’s not that I’ve gained toooons of weight, but I have gained about 10lbs. Should be easy enough. But it’s only the 2nd week in February and I’ve already fallen off the wagon. 

Maybe I’m just making excuses for myself but I just think I’m too A: stressed/anxious from school and B: too depressed from infertility. 

I have good days and bad days, surely, but… life itself is just too overwhelming these days. I know working out regularly would help with so many aspects of my life I mean, it’s good for stress, it’s good for lots of things, I just. I can’t. That in turn makes me feel guilty too. 

My excuse last spring was that school was just waaay too crazy, no really, working full time, 150 clinical hours and 9 credits. WTF was I thinking?! Then I started working out at the end of the semester and promptly injured my achilles. For which the only real treatment seems to be rest. It didn’t start feeling better until August for real — then — well I don’t have an excuse. I feel like the infertility thing has been depressing me all along, but August/September is when we finally went for testing & were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I have a hard time telling if I was as depressed then as I am now, but I might have been. I think I cried each month before we finished testing, I can’t really remember, I know I’ve cried each month when we failed again since.

I think depression now is what’s really affecting my motivation when it comes to both exercise and school. Of course, it could just be that I am D-O-N-E with school. Emotionally anyway. School can just NOT be over fast enough right now. 

I think these are definitely reasons why I’m so irritable all the time. And just want to be alone. Always. I feel like I could be alone and do nothing for days and it might make me feel better.

I’d like to lose weight. I’d like to exercise regularly again so I can feel good about myself and the way I look. It’s hard to explain, but I’m just too overwhelmed by the basics of life right now to work towards goals or feel motivated in anyway. I feel like I just need to finish school, and then things will start getting better…. I hope that’s how it goes. 

Questioning my Judgement

Sometimes I question my own judgement and wonder how I ended up in the healthcare profession. My old job in the lab was really perfect for my temperament, I could arrive at work in the morning, nod a greeting to my coworkers, put on my headphones and not interact with a human the rest of the day if that was my so choosing… I don’t really like people. I don’t like talking to people I don’t know. I don’t like making small talk. I don’t like meeting new people. Lots of types of people irritate me for no particular reason. I sometimes wonder how I ended up going into a field where I constantly need to be interacting with people who I don’t know and may be irritating to me? I really like my job as an ER nurse, although I’m not sure I’d like nursing as much if I had to tolerate the same patient for days at a time rather than a few hours at a clip. I think this is what I don’t really like about my clinicals in primary care. You have to sit and talk with these people who have a whole list of issues that might just be occurring to them because you’re there, you need to pretend like you’re interested and concerned,  and then you have to try and fix their problems.

We all know my mother in law is very nice, but sometimes her mere presence is irritating to me. I sometimes wonder if this is a side effect of my job being against my inherent temperament. I don’t really like interacting with people, I spend all day at work doing it, then on my day off I just want to be alone and left alone.

I met my friend for spinning this morning, made a brief stop to get some groceries and then headed home. We have a driveway that fits 3 cars side by side, that’s on a very busy road. My MILs car, which is now dead is taking up 1 space. Then there’s two spaces in front of each garage space. I’m driving down the busy road to our house and there’s some huge buick SUV parked in the middle of the two spots so I can’t A: park in the driveway or B: pull my car into the garage. Our street isn’t really one that you can park on even temporarily, so I had to drive right on by the house and turn around to make another pass thinking I’ll park in our grass until I figure out what moron thinks they need to take up our WHOLE fucking driveway, and how long they intend to do it. So, already, I’m grouchy. I pull into the yard and put my car in park, just as my MIL and another older woman come out the front door. My MIL introduces me to her friend, who’s taking her out to lunch. Great. The woman says, “Oh. I guess I parked in the wrong spot” I didn’t say anything — but my FIRST thought was, “well it’s not that you parked in the wrong spot per say, you just parked in ALL OF THEM”… I didn’t say anything. But of course after the left and I set about relocating my vehicle I’m even more grouchy than I started out being.

I feel guilty that my MIL doesn’t even really need to DO anything to irritate me. She might just move a random thing, or do something else I perceive as stupid and it sets me off on an internal mental dialogue of cursing and bitching.

Sometimes I wonder if the fact that I need to interact with so many people at my job all the time contributes to how tired I am after a day of work. I mean, 12 hours is a long time to be doing anything, but I’m always dead on my feet by the time I go to bed. Good thing I’m contemplating this with 4 months left before I finish the NP program! HA!


So I thought this new theme seemed appropriately February?

I had a confession last night, now bringing the grand total of people in real life I’ve told about my infertility to a grand total of 4, including my mother.

I went out to dinner last night with 3 of my friends from high school. We’ve been trying to make a better effort since we all live in the same town (for crying out loud), to get together for dinner once a month. It was a struggle for a while but we’ve been getting better at it since this fall. Now 2 of the 3 know about our troubles trying for a baby. They’re the only people who know IRL. The first one because at my friend’s wedding this fall she semi cornered me at the reception because she had caught a glance between Hubbin & I. She and her husband are currently trying to adopt, she lost those parts down there after a childhood battle with a very adult cancer. Who know’s what your ovaries are when you’re in elementary school anyway? The second friend because she announced her first pregnancy in 2008 just a few months after I had tossed my birth control pills but before I suspected we might have an issue. She lost that baby, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Not exaggerating. So on several levels I felt like I should tell her about our struggles, not that mine are the same, but just so she would know not everyone is getting knocked up at the drop of a hat — and because we were starting our first IUI cycle when I told her and I didn’t want her to be, I don’t know, knocked totally off balance if I had to tell her I was pregnant. –of course it didn’t work, but when people just slam me out of the clear blue with a pregnancy announcement it takes me a while to recover. All send me off kilter but, it ultimately bothers me less if someone, for lack of a better phrase, shows “respect” that it’s not easy for everyone.

So friend 3 was unaware of any issue she’s approximately — 26? Weeks pregnant. We had our usual social dinner updating everyone. Then after dinner everyone was going through the routine of bathroom, putting on coats. So I ended up outside with my friend who is also seeing a fertility specialist for repeat miscarriages alone, so she asked me what was up with that, what the update was, how things were going. I essentially said no change, nothing’s wrong, and nothing’s working. The my pregnant friend came outside, which immediately made me kind of awkward feeling because I just haven’t told people, but my other friend just kept right on asking so she caught on pretty quick. So the four of us stood outside in the 30 degree weather shivering for probably another 20 minutes talking about infertility.

The emotions I’ve been having since have been very bizarre. I was more staunchly “don’t talk about it” than Hubbin. I think he’s only told 1 or 2 people, because I’m obsessively private and want people OUT of my uterus. But after the conversation we had… It’s so weird. The only thing I can liken it to is in college after me or one of my friends confessed that we were having sex for the first time or something: a happy, almost giddy sharing of a secret. Not that this is a good secret, but I think I’ve been feeling relief that a few close friends know what’s going on. I think it even makes me more excited for my friend’s baby to get here now, now that she knows what I’m going through. To the point I might even be able to bring myself to finally knit the baby booties to match the bonnet I made for her. I made the bonnet a month ago when she found out she was having a girl, while I was working on a blanket for my other friend who is also having a girl. Then I just kind of got to baby-knitting-saturation level, and was pretty sure I couldn’t emotionally handle working on someone ELSES baby gift AGAIN for another MINUTE without going insane. So I made myself a knitted headband, and a hat, and started my first pair of socks. I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to finish her present. We used to be super close, like since elementary school, but have kind of gotten more distant. Infertility is such an awkward thing to bring up, like “hi, what’s new” “oh not much, my parts don’t seem to be working, I’m constantly depressed & anxious, and we’ve been trying for a baby for years – but hey, congratulations on your pregnancy” — There just never seems a good time to bring it up or talk about it. Anyway, I was borderline giddy on the drive home which I totally wasn’t expecting.

I didn’t go into huge amounts of detail with them. They asked how long we had been trying and I said “years” and they asked “well how many” and I said “well I quit taking birth control in 2008 — so a lot” I didn’t go into the details of how it progressed from condoms to obsessive temping, OPKS, soft cups yadda yadda yadda, but leaving it at 2008, even though I felt I was exaggerating a bit, sure drives home how long and drawn out this has been. I did tell them things were pretty much on hold til May when I graduate, which they all seemed to think was better anyway. There was a lot of joking though which was nice, it was nice to be able to laugh at all of the ridiculousness. My one friend was like “well have they looked at this” and I replied “OH yes, everyone’s been up in there and had a good look, sure bring your student along too, lets all get up in there”. She’s seeing a chinese medicine specialist now and we were all having a good laugh that he’s apparently from poland, and wants her to eat all kind of weird things that are “good for her blood” like buffalo, and beets, and so forth. She said her doctor wants her to try again, and our other friend asked if they were trying yet, she said she’s not ready. She has the complete opposite problem as me, if they get anywhere within a week overlapping ovulation she gets pregnant. She said she actually has to look at her calendar to make sure she doesn’t have important things coming up so she doesn’t have a miscarriage over vacations or something. I told her it’s too bad we can’t somehow combine forces. We had lots of laughs about speculums and doctors and the ridiculous things we try and painful procedures. And it was good. And I felt good. And I still feel good.

But Wait!

But wait! I have good news that I completely forgot to address yesterday! (and two blog posts in two days, wow, I need to get ahold of myself!) 

My mother in law, who is slowly driving me crazy since she’s somewhat homebound due to lack of driving…. Discovered the Senior Citizens Center 1 community over! I mentioned to Hubbin that what she *really* needed was a senior citizens center like my grandma had. My grandma and her boyfriend were at the senior citizens center DAILY, they went, had lunch, played bingo, had parties. That’s what she needed, we were kind of getting to the point in our house where she was UBER cranky and bitchy and meddling with us because she was expecting us to provide 100% of her social entertainment. Hubbin went to see a movie by himself last weekend while I was at work and when I got home hours later she was still pissed. He was feeling kind of guilty and I said “no no no, we are providing her a warm place to live, we make sure she’s fed, we make sure she is as safe as we possibly can given her lack of regard for instructions or personal safety, it is not acceptable for us to feel like we need to be providing all of her social relief. She is not locked in the basement, we have volunteered to drop her off at her friends houses, or pick her up, or take her somewhere to meet them and she hasn’t arranged anything, you need to be able to have time away every once in a while”

Anyway, she took the old people taxi to the center two days ago, and had a good enough time that she’s going back today. Wooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Which means here on my day off I have at least a few hours by myself! 😀