
So last weekend we flew to Charleston SC via Atlanta (hi Austin!) for a wedding. We had a great time! I did anyway and I think Hubbin tolerated a weekend with my college friends fairly well. It didn’t come to blows over politics and what more can I really ask for? I went to a Super Small Southern School, very conservative lots of very rich southern people a leeettle but different than Hubbind ideals.

One of my good college friends was marrying a guy from college so it was very exciting to me just because there were quite a few people I knew but haven’t seen since graduation in 2003!

One of the highlights was when hubbin informed me that my frienemy (like in Sex and the City, someone you consider a friend that you don’t really get along with) was seriously checking out my ass. Does that make you feel good or what?! I must have said something in response about is it wrong that that makes me happy and Hubbin said “of course not, that’s why I told you. If I bought a porche 911turbo would it upset me when people look at it?” I said “no, that’s part of why you buy it” and he said: “exactly”

So frienemy and I were fairly friendly freshmen year and had lots of cofriends. But he’s a rude drunk and very arguementative. He’s one of those people that changes his opinion on things to piss off whoever happens to be at the top of his shit list at the moment. For whatever reason, I was always at the top of that list. I have my suspicions that he’s had a secret crush on me for at least part of college and I wasn’t interested and that’s why he was always trying to piss me off. There was one specific incident freshmen year that he tried (quite hard) to kiss me while he was drunk and I was physically holding him away. But anyway, it was verrry satisfying when Hubbin told me he was checking me out behind my back 😉

We went to a BBQ at a marshy property on one of the islands Friday night. They had a southern rock/country band with a beer truck and wine. Complete with three bottles of bug spray on the wine table 😉 we certainly partook in the bug spray but at the same time took a photo and chuckled.

Come Saturday night at the wedding reception at a yacht club though, I MIGHT have killed someone for some bug spray!

We went and saw Angel Oak a 500some year old tree that was WAY cool looking. We also did a mini-tour of Charleston on Saturday. Then our flight was late Sunday so we went to Magnolia Plantation and toured around there and went on a swamp tour that was quite neat, but we got a little creeped out by the overwhelming numbers of those big ass Banana Spiders and had to retreat to our little rental car! Lol